Quranic Family

Quranic Family
Must meet the following criteria:
1. Clean and pure
Includes self-cleanliness and purity, sanctity and holiness of the clothes and cleaning house. Purity of body and clothing can be realized with the consistency of running the sunnah (sunnah-sunnah-Fitr). Cleanliness and sanctity of the home can be realized by maintaining the cleanliness of furniture and home furnishings. Prophet said: Verily Allah is fragrant and clean, and liked the cleanliness, generous and loves generosity, generous and loving kindness. Wash your latrines and do not imitate the Jews.
2. Orderly and harmonious
Qur'anic house should be neat and out of harmony there should not be a bad scene or unpleasant. There are several things that must be considered to achieve neatness and harmony of the house and its surroundings, as follows:
a. Goods at home must be arranged and tidied after use
b. Each family member must be wearing their clothes
c. Each family member must be conditioned so as not to mess up the equipment and everything that uses
3. Voiced quietly does not make noise and keep secrets
Loud as the chatting, chortle and make noise is the act of hurting others arising from the rough and soul into evidence indication that the owner is not cultured, and unable to control himself with the principles syara '.
4. Science and lively worship
Progress bergama consistency level of a Muslim is very dependent on the level of progress of family togetherness. To achieve this target the entire household must follow the teaching of religion both within and outside the home or in mosques.
5. Respecting guests and maintain good relationships with family and neighbors
a. Respecting guests, house guest welcoming Muslims is the house, respecting guests without being too stingy or too burdensome family is the actualization of decency of a Muslim.
b. Maintaining good relations with neighbors, ideally neighbors on either side of a Muslim family should feel safe, comfortable with her, pay attention and love it because the Muslim family always watched their rights and never hurt them.

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